Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Word Of The Day Is: Choppy! - 2/8/2012

Today took 653KB out for a spin. While getting ready to take-off, got a weather report that winds were at about 9knots from 300... right on the edge of my limitations as a student pilot. I was given the go-ahead to take off, just be careful, and if it gets rough, come back in immediately. I headed out to the NW to the practice area SW of Cartersville Airport, and direct south of the power plant. I decided to do a couple maneuvers, the main one being steep turns. Did a couple of them, but I need to go back and review the procedure as it's been awhile... also got a little motion sickness. (You go around in a 360 at a 45 degree bank with turbulence, and see how you feel.) So I decided to head to Cartersville to do so practice landings. Winds were at about 340, so there was a crosswind, and runway 1 was in use. I was actually the only one in the pattern around the airport.

First landing was okay, kind of botched the crosswind landing technique, but still got on the ground safely. The second landing was fine, but take off got worrisome. The winds were still at about 340, but two hundred feet off the ground it switched to 300 very quickly, and several hundred feet later it was 320. The average winds were between 300 to 350. (Directionally speaking.) Different layers of the atmosphere, even close to the ground was experiencing winds coming out of different directions. Landing number three was successful with no issues. Decided to head back to KRYY as it was time for me to return the plane and head out to lunch with a buddy of mine.

Going from KVPC to KRYY, I had one bitching tailwind. While I got clearance to land on runway 27 at KRYY, I had a stipulation from Air Traffic Control, they were going to give me the number 1 spot in landing, but I had to keep up my airspeed until the last minute due to a jet on my tail coming into KRYY. Kept up speeds (within regulations of course.) And had a very successful crosswind landing, also kept my speed up on the runway so I could get off at Bravo 3, so the jet could land behind me.

All-in-all it was a good day, but choppy. Now, I have been through a lot of chop before, but this time was my first time soloing with a lot of chop. I believed I handled it pretty good. Overall, one thing I need to be more mindful of is my altitude, it needs to stay constant, instead of fluctuating. Overall, I think the issue today was mainly the gusts.

So, tomorrow... big day! Well, let me step back for a moment, on Tuesday, I went into the flight school for my stage check with Hutch on doing my solo cross-country. Pretty much aced it, but he did give me a couple suggestions, which I do appreciate. I was given the all clear to start my cross-country solo, and that will be tomorrow, Thursday!

Tomorrow, will be heading out to Chattanooga for my very first solo cross-country. I was asked by a friend of mine if I'm scared... I'm not really scare, more nervous, and excited. Based on wind profiles for tomorrow, I'm predicting going up there will take about 38 minutes, and coming back will be between 33-35 minutes. Winds should be much lighter tomorrow, right now KRYY is predicted to have winds out of the northwest at around 6, and KCHA is predicted to have winds out of the north at 5. (No gusts.)

Will of course talk about my cross-country trip tomorrow... in the mean time... happy flying!

Straight line of clouds moving out... was preping the plane when I snapped these shots.

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