It's been awhile since I've updated the blog, so I thought I would go ahead and do it now... since I can't sleep.
As I've mentioned before, in May I started my instrument training with ground school. On July 14, I started my first practical instrument lesson with the same instructor I had for my PPL. So far, I'm 4 lessons in and really enjoying it. I think getting the IFR will definitely make me a much better pilot.
Per the FAA Regs., I can do about 20 hours of my IFR training in a simulator. This is great as it saves money, plus you can do things in the sim that you can (or shouldn't do) in an actual plane.
My last two sessions we have started adding landing on ILS Runway 27 at KRYY. Even though I haven't had any major formal training (besides ground school, and from what I've been reading) ILS is my current favorite approach. I have also been practicing the ILS at different airports and weather conditions at home on Flight Simulator X.
On 7/21, I found out my current instructor is leaving SFS. So, I've been assigned to another guy. So far, we have had one sit down meeting, and it looks like we will work well together. I'm hoping for the best.
I'm planning at least 2 lessons per week for my IFR training. It wasn't as much as my PPL, that is due to my new schedule.
On July 9, I moved from overnights; which I was on for 8 freaking long years (4 years at my current job, and 4 years at my previous one,) I still wonder how that has shorten my lifespan) to 2nd shift. Yay!
This Friday, August 3rd, I'm planning on taking a good friend flying with me for the first time. This will be one of his first times in a Cessna 172. I'm excited about flying, having him along, and seeing what he thinks. I'm hoping it cools down a tad, current temperature for Friday is 94 degrees. I don't like flying when it's hot.
Also, at the end of August is when I do my first 400+ mile VFR flight. I'm so freaking nervous about it, that I'm excited. I'll talk about it more when it gets here.
Other than that, that's about it. See ya on the other side of the cloud!